Terms and Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions (the "Terms") shall apply to the Public Offer, is subjectto (but not necessarily limited to) editing, modification, and it applies to all those who participatein the Advetex Platform.
1. General Provisions
1.1. These Terms and Conditions shall be effective only upon the voluntary and informedagreement between the Administration of Advetex, hereafter the "Company" and the person who at the timeof the Terms has come of age on the criteria of their country of residence in the status of a citizen,hereafter "the Client", and that must be accepted for execution, in whole or in part means, withoutlimitation, imaginary preferences or exceptions.
1.2. The essence of these Terms is to take the Company on its obligations for the safeprovision of services to Сlient, which are regulated by the Advetex investment Platform, as well asproviding information and consulting services directly related to the work of the project in volumesufficient for fruitful excluding conflicts, cooperation between the Company and the Client.
1.3. Client for its part accepts terms and agrees with all items without exception and infull volume, pledging not to distort the meaning and content of the accepted agreement.
2. Registration process
2.1. In order to become a client of the Company, investors who make such a decision mustregister on the Advetex website. After registration and data transfer, this establishes the fact ofcooperation between the Client and the Company.
In turn, the Company will automatically receive these data for further processing in orderto optimize and statistical process control, as well as taking unconditional responsibility for thesecurity provided by the client confidential data.
3. Investments
3.1. The Client has the right to invest in the Advetex Investment Platform project in theform of personal funds available, on any of the investment plans provided by the Company.
3.2. The funds provided by the Customer in the form of investments to the Company, with thebeginning of the activation of the deposit transaction, are exhaustive and cannot be returned to theCustomer before the end of the term of the investment plan for which the Customer has made this deposit.
4. Profit
4.1. The profit that can be obtained by the customer, as well as the method of calculatingthe profit, is directly regulated by the transaction that the customer has concluded.
If there is more than one active transaction, the profits and accruals are regulatedseparately for each transaction.
5. Privacy of risks
5.1. No refund will be made if the investment becomes impossible for reasons beyond thecontrol of the Company. In this case, the client cannot claim compensation for any losses incurred bythe Company.
5.2. Every investor should be clearly aware of the fact that investment activity may alwaysinvolve certain risks. Taking into account the foregoing, the Client agrees with the fact that itvoluntarily provides management of the Company in their personal funds and undertakes not to claimrefund in cases where the loss have happened not caused by the other actions and not the Company.
6. Settlement of disputes
6.1. In case of disagreement or conflict between the Customer and the Company, theresolution of these situations will be carried out through bilateral negotiations, without theinvolvement of third parties. Such negotiations shall take place with a view to a full and completesettlement of the conflict, taking into account the interests of both parties.
7. Copyright
7.1. All content, whether graphic, text or any other information, is the exclusiveintellectual property of the Company. Any use of the content, reposting any text fragments on theInternet, posting video or audio fragments or whole reselling must be accompanied by a comment in theform of mandatory and exhaustive detailed mention of the owner of intellectual property rights.
7.2. Partial or complete copying of the content of this project with a view to commercialuse in the future, possibly only after prior agreement with the owners of the project.
8. Responsibility
8.1. Failure, neglect or liberal interpretation by the spirit and content of the ClientTerms entails certain measures of exacting nature that will initiate the administration of the company.Among these measures are present the following: warning, temporary restriction of access to the account,complete blocking of the account.
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